El Discurso del Estado de la Unión es uno de los más esperados durante el mandato presidencial, principalmente porque permite conocer qué adquiere prioridad y los pensamientos del presidente acerca del trabajo que se ha hecho y del que falta por hacerse. El estado de la cirugía plástica se siente como aquél gran discurso en especial porque ha dejado de ser un tabú occidental para convertirse en un ícono global. En la actualidad los doctores ya no están practicando medicina para salvar vidas en la misma medida que antes, esto a sabiendas que las recompensas se encuentran en otro lugar. La cantidad de dinero involucrada con las cirugías plásticas es astronómica y considerando que la mayoría de las personas escogen carreras que les permitan construir sus vidas, no es de culpar a quienes procuran una mejor vida para sus familias y para sí.

Después de cambiarse el color de la piel, de negro a blanco, Michael Jackson fue considerado el abanderado de las cirugías plásticas. Sin embargo, ese procedimiento se convirtió en una pesadilla. Tenía, entre otras condiciones, partes del cuerpo con quemaduras de sol así, la cirugía plástica fue el medio que le permitió soportar el peso de una sociedad que amaba al Rey del Pop. Esta situación fue contraproducente ya que los doctores continuaron buscando la perfección en esta área de la medicina, eliminando rápidamente las vueltas que existen en la cirugía cosmética. Michael Jackson pagó el precio de la creciente industria de la cirugía plástica. Fue estigmatizado, padeció desórdenes psicológicos y otras condiciones mentales, muriendo de una manera controversial inclusive su médico fue enjuiciado.

El juicio culminó y se alcanzó justicia, mientras que la cirugía cosmética ha ido señalando partes del cuerpo que las personas ni siquiera sabían que podían ser alteradas. Estos procedimientos ya no se limitan a liposucciones, rinoplastias o mamoplastias si no, que ahora hasta existe la blefaroplastia o cirugía de párpados. Han dejado de ser cirugías con fines reconstructivos para convertirse en procedimientos tendentes al rejuvenecimiento. Las personas se someten a las cirugías plásticas para obtener un nuevo comienzo en la vida, bien sea sintiéndose más bonitos, jóvenes o inclusive más atractivos sexualmente. Esto último es evidente con las mamoplastias de aumento y el lifting de glúteos las cuales son las cirugías a las que comúnmente se someten las mujeres blancas con la intención de equipararse con las mujeres de color y las latinas. Los procedimientos para la pérdida de peso también han aumentado la popularidad de las liposucciones como medio para eliminar el peso que aumentan las mujeres con el embarazo y hasta ayudar a una sociedad cada vez más obesa.

Los tratamientos faciales, el lado cosmético y correctivo de las cirugías plásticas, han invadido el mundo. Ha permitido al rostro, el medio que los humanos usan para presentarse, estar en su mejor forma, permitiendo al cuerpo ser considerado para fines sexuales y en general para interactuar. El bum de esta cultura promovida por artistas, como Nicki Minaj y Meghan Trainor, abanderadas de promover entre las mujeres el sentirse cómodas en sus cuerpos como si el arquetipo de mujer y madre genéticamente superior se hubiese visto desplazado por el nuevo modelo sexual que considera que más es siempre mejor. La cirugía plástica está en su punto de máxima popularidad y no parece que decaerá en el tiempo cercano.





    PARS Plastic Surgery is located in Houston, Tx, and offers a wide range of different procedures. Whatever your personal goals or priorities might be, we have what it takes to provide you with professional, quality care.

    From a complete “mommy makeover” to non-surgical procedures, we are committed to helping you achieve results that completely change the way you approach life.



    We offer a number of different facial procedures. Facelifts can radically improve the look of your visage by boosting youthfulness and eliminating wrinkles. Botox is a convenient option that is quick and easy - with no surgery required. Lip augmentation is another popular service for adults of all ages.

    In addition, PARS Plastic Surgery can handle complex procedures such as rhinoplasties and eyelid surgeries.



    Improving your body-image has never been easier with a range of advanced cosmetic procedures. We offer tummy tuck procedures that can transform your confidence and your appearance. Our tummy tuck surgery is safe, reliable, and completely transformative. Liposuction is another excellent option for those who are pursuing better health with a lower weight.

    A butt augmentation procedure can also boost confidence levels, and we also offer a body lift procedure to keep everything looking tight and attractive.



    Here at PARS Plastic Surgery, we understand that your breasts are an important priority for your self-esteem and your overall feeling of well-being. Our breast augmentation procedures are safe, easy, and extremely realistic. We can also provide a breast lift to give you a new lease on life.

    Additionally, we understand that a breast reduction surgery may be necessary to alleviate back pain and help you achieve your ideal body-image.

    Inverted nipples can easily be corrected at our clinic, and we also offer breast lift services so you can feel a new sense of confidence.



    We also specialize in a range of procedures centered around the buttocks. Our butt augmentation surgery can help you achieve excellent results. Whether you’re trying to turn heads or achieve a sense of self-assuredness for your own satisfaction, we can help you reach your personal body goals. Some of our most popular services include the Brazilian buttlift.

    Fat grafting is another popular service these days that we can provide you with. We’ll help you shape your body in ways that help you achieve joy when you look in the mirror. No job is too demanding for our professional clinic. A buttock lift is another excellent option that can help you feel more youthful and attractive. Extending down through the leg, we can also provide you with a thigh lift treatment that can give your legs a newfound sense of tightness and slimming.



    Here at PARS Plastic Surgery, we understand that modern men are interested in a range of cosmetic procedures. We can help you deal with issues related to Gynecomastia by eliminating the fatty breast tissue you might have. We are also one of the most knowledgeable clinics when it comes to hair implants. If you’re dealing with hair loss, we can provide you with implants that can transform your image and re-establish your self-confidence.

    We also offer a range of facial products that can keep you looking younger for longer. At PARS Plastic surgery, we always stay up to date with the latest anti-aging technologies, treatments, and products. We can offer expert advice on how you can maintain your youthful visage. Finally, we can offer our male clients a range of botox treatments to help maintain and augment their appearance.

    Is Dr. Rojan Amjadi, M.D. qualified?

    Dr. Amjadi is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons. He graduated with honors from the University of Texas, where he obtained his medical degree. Dr. Amjadi then trained in plastic surgery at the Texas Medical Center at the University of Texas. In addition to these qualifications, Dr. Rojan is also a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, The American College of Surgeons, and many other organizations that represent plastic surgeons across the nation. Dr. Amjadi has been practicing since 1999. He is trained in the most modern, sophisticated surgical techniques in use today.

    Is the clinic properly sterilized?

    We adhere to very strict safety, sterilization, and infection control protocols at the PARS clinic. Our dedicated and diligent staff members will protect you at all times.

    Can anyone get cosmetic surgery?

    In order to maintain high safety standards, we ask that you complete a thorough medical exam before we begin your procedures. With this approach, we can make sure that you will be as safe as possible. We speak with you about your expectations and goals before assessing your medical history and determining the safest, most effective plan.

    What’s the difference between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery?

    The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to reshape the body to improve self-esteem and create a more ideal self-image. On the other hand, the purpose of reconstructive surgery is to address disfigurement, defects, and other abnormalities. These issues may arise after accidents, surgeries to remove tumors, and things of that nature. Another big difference between these two types of surgery is the fact that cosmetic surgery is rarely covered by health insurance, while reconstructive surgery is usually covered.

    What can I expect when I recover from my cosmetic surgery?

    Your recovery experience depends on a number of factors. First of all, the type of procedure you choose may impact your recovery. Some procedures are less extensive and invasive than others, and you will likely experience an easier recovery period as a result. In addition, different patients recover in different ways. Some may require more or less pain medication than others. Your surgeon can prescribe the correct pain medications to help you overcome any discomfort. The good news is that virtually all facial cosmetic procedures involve easy recovery periods.

    How does Botox work?

    Botox injections are designed to reduce or remove visible signs of aging. The most common targets are hyper-functional lines - commonly known as “wrinkles.” These lines result from the contraction of underlying facial musculature, and Botox is effective because it temporarily weakens these muscles and prevents them from contracting. Botox does this without affecting the sensory feeling in these muscles. Botox may take up to 7 days to take full effect, although some patients notice considerable results in as little as 24 hours.

    How do I choose the right size for my breast implants?

    Choosing the right size for your new breast implants is an important decision. The choice is obviously based heavily on your own personal desires and tastes. On the other hand, you also need to take into account a number of additional factors. You might need to consider things like whether you have breastfed heavily in the past, and how this has affected your breasts. Remember, you can also receive cosmetic surgery to make breasts smaller. You can even receive surgery to change the general shape of the breasts without necessarily changing their size.

    How long do I need to take off work?

    You may need to take some time off work after undergoing your cosmetic procedure. Your surgeon will speak with you and let you know how long you need to fully recuperate. In general, most patients should rest for at least a week after receiving cosmetic surgery (less invasive procedures like Botox shouldn’t require any time off work).

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